Sunday, September 14, 2008

committed voters

If you are committed to voting for me - say, right now you think there is at least an 80% chance that you will vote for me on Election Day - I'd appreciate hearing about it. This will help me gauge to what extent the campaign has picked up steam, and will let me know if I need to revise my vote goals (particularly in the upward direction). If you do let me know, I'd prefer that you do simply by commenting on this very post, anonymously or otherwise. I will not interpret any such comment or report of an intention to vote for me as a promise or commitment in any strict sense; if you change your mind, no moral worries.

1 comment:

Nathan Hall said...

I will vote for you. I probably disagree with you on most issues, but I like how you think more than any other candidate. Since the Libertarian candidate, Bob Barr, disappoints me, I'll vote for an intelligent man I disagree with. May God (whom I believe in and you don't) bless your administration (the utilitarian philosophy of which I find flawed). Your argument in "why vote for me?" is persuasive.