Saturday, September 20, 2008

info flyer 9/19/08

There is another presidential candidate

-- BRIAN KIERLAND, professor of philosophy at Boise State University --

running a part-time but fully serious write-in campaign.

The person handing or e-mailing this to you, or posting it, does not necessarily endorse Brian Kierland;

he or she just thinks people should be aware of his candidacy.

Real democracy reflects the will of the people, & so more options better promote it. If you agree, please help to pass the word along.

IRAQ: Aren't you sick and tired of politicians (on both sides) pretending that what would happen

if the US were to stay – or leave – is anything but very difficult to predict?

EQUALITY: Is neo-con, trickle-down economics (if at all correct) so correct that

it justifies the quite large and ever-widening gap between the rich and the poor?

HUMANITARISM: Are you really comfortable buying that new CD (let alone that six-figure sports car) when the same money could save many (often very many) individuals in “third-world” countries from starvation or desperate poverty? Perhaps the government should help us do what we know we ought.

PUTIN: Shouldn’t you be more afraid of him?

CAMPAIGN REFORM: Aren’t you sick and tired of money (especially from large corporations and

special interests groups) having such an influence on politics? Aren’t you tired of only two choices?

HEALTH CARE: Isn’t it also a good thing for the lazy and irresponsible?

MARIJUANA: How does anyone figure smoking pot is more dangerous to society than drinking alcohol? And think of the tax revenues….

RELAXATION: Stressed? Why not a Secretary of Relaxation?

IMMIGRATION: Mexicans are people too. And it's reasonable they want to come here.

Do you want to go work in Mexico?

SOLAR POWER: Do you have any idea how much energy can be garnered from the sun?

RIGHTS OF THE YOUTH: Does it really seem right that the government can draft 18 yos.,

but they don't have the legal right to drink alcohol?

TERRORISM: Is trying to kill terrorists after they've already come to hate us and purchased some guns

really the only way to fight it?

GLOBAL WARMING: When over 99% of environmental scientists agree, shouldn't you (the non-expert)?

EDUCATION: Do you really think that “throwing money at the problem” would be no good all?

What about halving average class sizes and increasing average teacher quality by 50%?

Seems to me that would help a lot. Which is not to say other changes wouldn’t as well….

TAXES: Why wouldn’t spending tax revenues on health care, relaxation, ESL for immigrants, solar power, diplomatic training, environmental clean-up, education, and the poor (who then spend it on cheap food) boost those sectors of the economy (the solar power, diplomatic training, cheap food sectors, etc.)?

For more info go to: or e-mail:

approved by the Kierland Campaign, 9/19/08

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