a part-time but fully serious write-in presidential campaign, by a professor of philosophy at Boise State University
IRAQ: Aren't you sick and tired of politicians (on both sides) pretending that what would happen
if the US were to stay – or leave – is anything but very difficult to predict?
EQUALITY: Is neo-con, trickle-down economics (if at all correct) so correct that
it justifies the quite large and ever-widening gap between the rich and the poor?
HUMANITARISM: Are you really comfortable buying that new CD (let alone that six-figure sports car) when the same money could save many (often very many) individuals in “third-world” countries from starvation or desperate poverty? Perhaps the government should help us do what we know we ought.
PUTIN: Shouldn’t you be more afraid of him?
CAMPAIGN REFORM: Aren’t you sick and tired of money (especially from large corporations and
special interests groups) having such an influence on politics? Aren’t you tired of only two choices?
HEALTH CARE: Isn’t it also a good thing for the lazy and irresponsible?
MARIJUANA: How does anyone figure smoking pot is more dangerous to society than drinking alcohol? And think of the tax revenues….
RELAXATION: Stressed? Why not a Secretary of Relaxation?
IMMIGRATION: Mexicans are people too. And it's reasonable they want to come here.
Do you want to go work in Mexico?
SOLAR POWER: Do you have any idea how much energy can be garnered from the sun?
RIGHTS OF THE YOUTH: Does it really seem right that the government can draft 18 yos.,
but they don't have the legal right to drink alcohol?
TERRORISM: Is trying to kill terrorists after they've already come to hate us and purchased some guns
really the only way to fight it?
GLOBAL WARMING: When over 99% of environmental scientists agree, shouldn't you (the non-expert)?
EDUCATION: Do you really think that “throwing money at the problem” would be no good all?
What about halving average class sizes and increasing average teacher quality by 50%?
Seems to me that would help a lot. Which is not to say other changes wouldn’t as well….
TAXES: Why wouldn’t spending tax revenues on health care, relaxation, ESL for immigrants, solar power, diplomatic training, environmental clean-up, education, and the poor (who then spend it on cheap food) boost those sectors of the economy (the solar power, diplomatic training, cheap food sectors, etc.)?
For more info go to: http://kierlandforprez.blogspot.com
Or e-mail: kierlandforprez@gmail.com
approved by the Kierland Campaign, 9/19/08
1 comment:
This seems like a good place to request articles on other subjects. I know you have more in the works, but here are a issues I'd especially like to hear your views on: education (other than increased spending--what kind of reform do you support?), abortion, Darfur (more generally, what if anything America should do about injustice and bloodshed around the world), the national deficit & debt, space exploration, energy in the long and short runs, and gerrymandering. Even if you don't touch all these in full depth (McCain and Obama haven't), it would be good to have a ballpark idea of where you stand on them.
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