Sunday, November 2, 2008

final entry (for now)

Several weeks ago my time became even more scarce, and I no longer had time to work on my blog, or my campaign at all.

My apologies to those extremely few individuals out there who I managed to get at least somewhat interested in my campaign.

In light of this, I no longer urge that voters vote for me. I won't get anywhere near the number of votes I would need for the possibility of an extra vote to have any chance of any interesting effect. Furthermore, I didn't even get around to officially registering as a write-in candidate in Idaho.

Although I will be very happy when Obama wins, I endorse Nader.

Hopefully in four years I will start earlier and have more time, and run a much better write-in campaign, one which doesn't completely stall around a month before election day.

Thanks to those who actually bothered to read some of my blog entries and perhaps open their minds a bit, and to those whose initial reaction wasn't to scoff or express skepticism. Those of you are very few in number, and I hereby express my deep appreciation to you.


P.S. The two of you who gave me donation money will get it back in the near future, as I thus never got around spending it.

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